Thursday, May 16, 2019

Most common causes of women infertility

Most common causes of women infertility

In different communities, infertility is still considered as a major healthcare problem. Due to high prevalence, this issue has doubled its importance. A major proportion of infertility is the result of environmental conditions and also have risk factors.

What is female infertility?

The inability to produce offsprings by a woman is known as female infertility. It is found that at least half of all those couples who consult for infertility have the female partner with the “problem”. In older days, it was a common myth that is is always a woman partner with the inability and they have to bear the brunt of the blame. Only about 5% of total couples who were seeking help with producing a baby considered to be because of male infertility.

Listed below are some of the most common causes infertility found in women:

1.    Ovulation Disorders: To timely release, an egg from the ovary (ovulate), a very fine balance of a variety of hormones which includes estrogen, luteinizing hormone, progesterone, a follicle-stimulating hormone is needed. Due to the decrease in the levels of progesterone one can experience interference in the adhesion of the embryo with the uterine lining. With the result of this, the risk of miscarriage increases. A significant increase in the levels of estrogen is also related to infertility in women.

2.    Ovarian Failure: It may be a result of the natural disorders (known as Turner’s Syndrome) or medical treatments for ovarian tumours. It can also occur as a result of chemotherapy and radiotherapy for the treatment of cancers and tumours in different parts of the body.
3.    Endometriosis: When the uterine lining doesn’t form normally, this condition is referred to as Endometriosis. It blocks the fallopian tubes as it grows outside the reproductive tract. Almost 10% of infertile women are due to these blockages. Since there is adhesion between fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries, the further movement of sperm gets blocked in advance cases of endometriosis. This, as a result, causes infertility. It is found from the studies that the eggs released by women having endometriosis have more chances of producing offsprings with genetic abnormalities in comparison to those not having the disease.
4.    Uterine and Cervical Disorders: A woman can face problems in conception because of the Benign growths like the uterine wall which can interfere with its connection with the wall of the uterus.
5.    Abnormalities in cervix shape: It makes the movement of sperm from the vagina to uterus through the vaginal tract to uterus really difficult because of the change in the texture of cervical mucus.
6.    Age: A woman’s age is again an important factor which affects her fertility. With increasing age, the chances of conceiving get lowered in every woman. This is a fact

that every woman is born with a finite number of eggs which gradually goes down with getting older. Apart from this, the quality of eggs also declines with increasing eggs. It is seen that the eggs become more inclined towards chromosomal abnormalities. The increasing age also affects other reproductive functions of the body such as hormone levels and ovulation as a result of this, risk of miscarriage increases.

7.    Polycystic Ovaries: Because of having multiple cysts, such ovaries are found to be abnormally large in size. Women having Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS) generally can’t ovulate.

8.    Immunological Disorders: The sperm gets destroyed by the cervical mucus when sometimes, it contains antibodies which detect sperm as a toxic foreign invader. When the immune cells of a woman attack normal cells of the body because of autoimmune diseases, this is also responsible for ovarian problems.

Since women infertility is a severe issue in most women, hence, the causes behind it are not limited. There are many other causes as well which can be a reason behind making a woman face difficulties while conceiving.

Mohak ivf is the best Infertility treatment Hospital in Indore with affordable ivf treatment to achieving pregnancy with world class facilities.You can get Infertility treatment by Best IVF specialists at Mohak Ivf centre in Indore.

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