Monday, April 26, 2021

Advantages and disadvantages of ICSI

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is used for cases where there is extreme infertility of the male. This is also a form of IVF (in vitro fertilization). This is mostly used when several normal IVF procedures have failed. This is done by taking a single sperm and injecting it directly into the egg. 

This procedure as we know now that it is done for extreme male infertility which may include conditions like: 
  • Oligospermia where the sperm count of the male is extremely low so the chances of the sperm meeting the egg are negligible. This makes the fertilization process almost impossible.
  • Teratozoospermia where the sperm shape of the sperm is abnormal and is not good for fertilization.
  • Asthenozoospermia is another condition that may cause infertility due to the inability of the sperm to swim through the reproductive tract of the female and reach the egg to fertilize it. 
  • If the eggs do not fertilize even after it is found that there is a good number of eggs and the sperm count also is found to be normal and healthy this method is used to insert the sperm into the egg.
  • ICSI is also done when the frozen sperm looks inactive.
  • In the case of In Vitro Maturation (IVM), where the egg is taken out of the ovaries just before maturation and the rest of the maturation is done in the lab, ICSI is done. 
  • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PCD) also requires ICSI to decrease the interference of the sperm cell that is nearby the embryo and give accurate PCD results.
  • In cases where sperm is extracted through the TESE technique it is important to use ICSI.
The above cases show that while extreme Male infertility may be the reason to use ICSI there may be a few conditions other than Male infertility that may need ICSI.

Now we know why the technique is used have understood in layman terms how it is done that seems very simple but it is a highly advanced method. Even after being a highly advanced method, it has some disadvantages which we can also term as the risk factors or the cons of the technique. Due to this drawback, the technique is being argued among the medical fraternity for its use in regular conditions and regularly.

The proud feeling of having a baby with the male partner’s sperm is the main reason to go for this technique when the male partner is facing extreme infertility with conditions like low sperm count, low sperm motility or abnormal shape of sperm. Even male partners who have undergone vasectomy can also father a child using this technique, where the sperms are directly extracted from the testicle with the TESE technique and then injected into the egg. 

Even though this technique is considered to have a very low chance of any risk, it does come with some risk factors like any other technique. Every technique has its pros and cons, nothing is perfect in this world. Once the sperms are obtained the male partner is free of any risk from the procedure and the technique is also risk-free or the risks are highly negligible. The main know risk factors of the ICSI technique are:
  • Embryo damage during the ICSI technique.
  • Couples using ICSI and IVF together may face multiple pregnancies or conceiving more than one baby which may cause complications to the mother during pregnancy and also while giving birth. 
  • In the ICSI technique, there is also a very low but risk of major birth defects in comparison to normal pregnancy. 
The above risk factors are arguably the factors that lead to discouraging ICSI with every IVF cycle. It is argued that it should be used only in understandable medical conditions where it is invariably the only treatment. 

Mohak Infertility Center, the Best infertility hospital in Indore, is an expert in every required technique in the field of fertility treatments and has also proved to be the Best IVF center in India due to the increasing number of patients from all over India.  Book an appointment today call now us 78980- 47572 / 80852-77666 for more information.

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To More Post: - Uterine fibroid

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Uterine fibroid

Noncancerous growths in the uterus during the childbearing year of a female called leiomyomas or myomas are generically called Uterine fibroid. They are not associated with any type of uterine cancer and they may never develop into cancerous tissue.

Most of the women have uterine fibroids at some time during their lives but as it does not cause any visible symptoms it goes undetected. These fibroids range in size from an undetectable seed to masses that can distort and enlarge the uterus. The uterus could be enlarged where it could sometimes touch the thoracic cage and also add weight to the body. Due to the mostly asymptomatic nature of the Uterine fibroid, it is most natural that this cannot be felt by the female and a doctor may also stumble on the fibroid in a pelvic examination or a prenatal ultrasound. 

Research and clinical experience point towards a few causes that may be the reason for the Uterine Fibroid, lets check on them to increase our awareness about Uterine Fibroids.

Genetic changes or changes in genes that differ from the normal uterine muscle cells may cause Uterine fibroids to form in the Uterus

Hormones like estrogen and progesterone which stimulate the development of the lining of the uterine have been studies to promote the growth of Uterine fibroids. Studies also show that fibroid cells have more estrogen and progesterone receptors than the normal cells of Uterine muscles. These fibroids tend to shrink after menopause which points towards these two hormones in promoting the growth or development of Uterine fibroids. The fact that they shrink after menopause is also attributed to the decrease in the flow of estrogen and progesterone once a female attains menopause.
Another factor that promotes the growth of fibroids that came up during studies is the ECM (Extracellular Matrix). This material that keeps the cells together is more in Fibroids and they also contain growth factors pointing towards the generation of fibroids caused by the change enhanced by ECM in cells.

Fibroids vary in shape, size and growth patterns. There may be no similarity in them. Some fibroids grow slowly, some may grow very fast and some may remain the same size after their growth. Fibroids also tend to have growth spurts and some of them shrink after some time. Fibroids present during the pregnancy period of a female could shrink or disappear after the pregnancy when the uterus goes back to its normal size. 

Mostly the fibroids don’t hinder a woman from getting pregnant as most of them are very small and dormant. But there have been cases where fibroids have caused infertility or pregnancy loss, especially when the fibroid is submucosal. Fibroids are also known to raise the risk of certain pregnancy-related complications like fetal growth restriction, placental abruption and preterm delivery. 

Mohak Infertility Center, the top IVF center in Indore takes care of all the pre and post-pregnancy complications and does the necessary rectification to ensure a normal and complication-free delivery. The best IVF Center in Indore also provides the most economic IVF cost in Indore making the facility worth the money you spend and the hopes of being a parent are higher here due to the high success rates of Mohak Infertility Center. Book an appointment Today Call now 7898047572 For more information.

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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Tips to cope with Infertility Stress

Infertility a hurdle in your path towards parenthood can be quite devastating in terms of emotional balance and for relationships. Every couple dreams of a happy family with offspring of their own. Nature sometimes puts us and our relationships to the test with a very sensitive topic as infertility. In India, it is every more sensitive and tabooed. Every family member would be looking up to a new couple to quickly become a family. Everyone loves children around. Just in case you are facing problems in conceiving or bearing a child beyond the expected time of the family members they put a lot of pressure on the couple. Family pressure is not the only factor at work, even the partner in a relationship puts pressure on each other, peer group and you take on a lot of unwanted pressure of the situation. This could prove very damaging to your self-esteem, the relationship with your spouse and could lead to many other psychological and physiological conditions. 

De-stressing through your infertility period or the period you are being treated for infertility could be quite testing but it has to be done to keep you in a balanced state of mind and away from psychosomatic disorders. 

Let's look into some very vital and effective methods of de-stressing during these highly disturbing times you go through while facing infertility problems and deciding on how to plan your family.

  • Understanding what you are feeling about the infertility problem and the condition is perfectly normal. Going through the tests and procedures could drain you emotionally, physically and financially. The feeling of uncertainty about the outcome or loss of control of your body could be very disturbing. 

  • Share your fears, feelings and questions with your close kin or to a counselor if available in the facility you are getting treated for infertility. Sharing your fears and feeling can always ease a lot of burden on your mind. 

  • Crying and being angry when you get bogged down by the surrounding pressure and negativity can surely ease you out a lot. Keeping your feelings locked up inside you could do a lot more harm than being able to vent it in any form to make you feel relieved.

  • Journal jotting is a very comforting and soothing activity when it comes to de-stressing. Journals are friends where you can pour out your emotions and avoid judgemental or unwanted responses from the other person. 

  • Staying connected is one of the best remedies for any pressure or stress or a depressing state. Having good company and joyful people around you could be most of the time very relaxing and can take your mind off disturbing topics.

  • Infertility may take a toll on you and your spouse as both will be going through emotional turmoil and family pressure with unspoken resentment and feeling of inadequacy. Talking and discussing or even going to a counselor about your feeling and resentments could take a lot of load off the couple. It is always important to back your spouse in such a matter and be supportive throughout the process.
  • Strained strings between the couple could be rekindled with a bit more tenderness and romance brought back into your life to get your moods up and the love and support between the spouses. This could surely pep up the spirits and positive mindset in the couple to fight the situation together. 
  • One of the worst causes of stress is uncertainty and ignorance about the situation and your future. The more you are aware of the situation, the process towards normalcy and the amount of time you would take to get back on track would release a lot of stress arising out of anxiety and uncertainty. Being aware of your chances of being a parent, the options available to your condition of infertility, the financial aspect and your current medical condition could make the future more clear and make your clogged-up mind a bit more eased. 
  • Trying or adopting one of the different techniques to reduce stress like picking up a hobby, meditating, support group therapy and exercising could be of great help. 
  • Another excellent way of calming yourself is by practicing deep breathing techniques which can be done anywhere or in any situation alone or with your spouse. This technique almost always calms you down in anxious, tensed or stressed situations.
Infertility can surely stress you out but you need to learn to cope up with stress and keep yourself calm and poised at all times and think positive.

If you are looking for a Test tube baby center in Indore, the best IVF center in Indore is Mohak IVF Center, with a very economical IVF treatment cost in Indore. Book an appointment Today Call now 7898047572  for more information.

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Friday, April 2, 2021

Infertility and STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)

Sexually transmitted disease or Sexually transmitted infection (STI) can lead to infertility. Fertility, reproduction and sexual activity all these words are all linked to the reproductive system of humans. These diseases (STD & STI) and conditions of infertility are very closely linked as the organ involved in both cases are common. Having safe sex is of utmost importance not only to fertility but also to the general health of a person, male or female. It is even more important as these conditions of STD & STI could sometimes prove fatal. It is very important to have safe sex for aspiring parents as STD & STI could surely be a cause of infertility. 

It would be very enlightening to know about the various STD that is most commonly known to cause infertility. Males and females both can be infected by STD and have equal chances of being infertile due to STD. Microorganisms and bacteria that cause STD may affect the quality and quantity of the sperm of a male while the same may cause a reduction of sperm mobility in females due to settlement of bacteria in the mucus produced by the cervix.

Some STDs may have a higher impact on fertility and could cause a higher rate of infertility. We will be looking into some Diseases that have a higher impact on fertility.

  • Chlamydia caused by bacteria called Chlamydia Trachomatis is a common STD prevalent in the womenfolk. This disease shows symptoms of painful urination but could also be asymptomatic. It could affect the genitals, urinary tract and eyes and could cause conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy. It is of utmost importance to get this disease treated or most advisably prevented. Moreover, the disease could pose a high risk to infants born with infected mothers. Repetitive infections are common in Chlamydia.

  • Gonorrhea can cause serious complications in fertility like inflammation of the uterus which will lead to infertility. This infection could also be passed to the child if the mother was pregnant with Gonorrhea. Premature labor and premature delivery with a high risk of permanent blindness in the newborn have been attributed to patients in pregnancy with Gonorrhea.

  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that can cause extensive lesions and can also affect the production of cervical mucus. These conditions lead to infertility problems. There are HPV that can cause cancer too.
  • HIV or AIDS can cause an increased risk of cervical abnormalities or early menopause in females while in men it has known to cause orchitis (inflammation of the testes), hypogonadism (decrease in the production of hormones), oligospermia or azoospermia (decreased or absence of sperm in semen).

  • Trichomoniasis the most treatable STI caused by the Trichomonas Vaginalis parasite living found in the lower genital tract. These highly problematic conditions as safe sex methods like the use of condoms do not ensure protection as they can infect areas not covered by a condom. This may highly lead to STIs like HIV and risk of premature babies and low birth weight. 

  • Syphilis is in the form of ulcers called chancres on the genitals. Untreated syphilis could cause serious and permanent brain damage, blindness, infertility or paralysis. This disease can be passed on to an infant by an infected mother and the more serious implications are stillbirth, neonatal death, birth defect, premature birth and low birth weight.

Some of the above conditions could te prevented and some can be treated if we ensure safe sexual practices and early detection of the condition. 

This also has a very high impact on your fertility so should be taken care of urgently and at Mohak infertility center the top fertility clinic in Indore all these and more are taken care of to ensure a perfect pregnancy for all the aspirant parents.

Mohak infertility center has not only proved to be the best Infertility treatment in Indore but with its increasing number of patients from all over India, it has also become the Best IVF center in India. Book an appointment today call now 7898047572 for more information.

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