Thursday, May 9, 2019

Common Myths and Facts related to IVF

Common Myths and Facts related to IVF

First of all, let’s know what exactly IVF is? Well, it is the method of fertilization which includes extraction of eggs, retrieving of sperm sample and thereafter manually combining egg and sperm together in the laboratory dish. The next process is the transfer of embryo(s) to the uterus. GIFT (Gamete intrafallopian transfer) and ZIFT (Zygote intrafallopian transfer) are some other forms of ART.
Today, we can find a lot of information and misinformation floating out there related to fertility treatments. In this situation, an individual trying to conceive can be bombarded with a lot of information from friends, family, relatives, and colleagues. Although their intentions are good, they can’t be any replacement for the qualified experts on fertility challenges. Mostly, they hold outdated and untrue information. This is the birth and way of spreading myths about IVF. The best advice we would give you to get an appointment and consult Fertility Specialist to discover why you’re facing issues while trying to conceive. We have come up with a set of common myths floating around Fertility Treatment and busted it for you.
Presenting to you, some of the common statements when you share your phase of struggle behind fertility with others. Let’s identify the myths and facts.

● Some say that, if you go for an IVF Fertility treatment, you are more likely to have twins or triplets.
It’s nothing like that. This statement is baseless and doesn’t have any scientific justification. A successful cycle of IVF is aimed for a couple to achieve a singleton pregnancy to produce a healthy baby as a result. IVF technology has reached an advanced level which creates excellent quality embryos. There is only one embryo transferred normally but in rare circumstances, an embryo may divide in the womb after transfer and produce twin.
● One can always conceive with the help of IVF treatment, no matter even if you wait until the early 40s
Again, this is a false statement. Unfortunately, human fertility declines with age. Though it’s not guaranteed, still IVF is a good option for women aged 35 and above.
● The success rate of IVF Treatment is majorly influenced by your diet.
Yes, the statement is true. Your diet intake plays an important role in overall health and well being. Although there is no miracle food or magic diet which will guarantee the successful IVF. Whether you are trying naturally or using IVF technology, taking a varied, healthy diet and staying aside from junk food help you to conceive. Women are advised to take a routine folic acid supplement which helps them to conceive. In the case of men, they should take Vitamin E, Zinc and Selenium to improve their sperm quality.
● An IVF treatment automatically leads to a high-risk pregnancy.
In most cases, it is found to have normal, healthy pregnancies in women who conceive with IVF. Whereas, women conceiving in their 40s may experience complicated pregnancy due to age-related risks in pregnancy.
● Hormones taken for IVF will also make you moody and miserable.
Yes, sometimes. It is indeed a fact that hormones influence our mood, though it is very individual. A lady experiencing PMT are more likely to be irritable or feel down while going through the IVF process. During the treatment, work and lifestyle can also add pressure. However, any negative impact is rarely seen in women as a result of using hormones.
● You will never be able to conceive unassisted after you conceive with IVF.
This is completely a false statement. Fertility is a result of many different factors. It doesn’t mean that a couple will never conceive unassisted if they are having difficulty in conceiving.
● It’s possible for you to conceive naturally once you have one baby.
Again, a false statement. Fertility is no doubt complex. A specific medical problem can lead to face difficulty while conceiving. Sometimes, it can be unexplained. Until now we don’t have any evidence stating that IVF fertility treatment has resulted in making the couple more fertile in the long run.
● Children born by IVF process possess birth problems and malfunctions as well.
A child born with abnormalities as a result of the IVF process is found rarely. Although chances of an anomalous fetus are unpredictable and even IVF children are like other normally born children.
Never get influenced by misinformation produced by people with good intentions. It is recommended to consult a qualified medical practitioner who can clarify your doubts on facts basis.
We at MOHAK IVF offer our patients widest range of infertility technology and our goal is to make your parenting dreams comes true. We provides best and affordable ivf specialist in indore with world class facilities.

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