Thursday, March 31, 2022

Understanding sperm motility

Before understanding the motility of sperm first we need to understand what is sperm health, a healthy sperm is an important factor which contributes to the couples ability to conceive a child, healthy sperms  are responsible to conceive as well as play an important role in healthy fertilization of the egg for pregnancy. Healthy sperm has six main criteria - 

  • Shape
  • Motility
  • Volume
  • Nuclear decondensation
  • Ability to pass the survival mucus and to reach the egg
  • Zona pellucida binding
For a healthy and successful pregnancy the sperm also need to have the correct number of chromosomes, In case of any of the above criteria is not meant this can result into male infertility.

What's sperm motility

The motility is defined as the ability of this sperm to move, this mobility refers to the movement and the swimming process of the sperm, a healthy spam motility includes progression of at least 25 micrometers per second, poor sperm mobility means that the sperm does not have enough capability to swim properly which can lead to men in- fertility. To determine the proper sperm motility overall semen analysis is done, motality is the measurement of sperm and semen health, The other factors which are considered during semen analysis are -
  • Sperm count
  • Semen volume
  • Concentration of sperm
  • Semen pH
  • White blood cells count
  • Spam morphology / shape of sperm
Along with the motility, sperm count is also the main factor which affects the fertility, sponge count can affect fertility as it decreases the chance of getting pregnant with the low sperm count and bad sperm motility, There are also problems like quality of spam that affects the chances of getting a women pregnant. Meant infertility factor often due to the lower sperm count is the most common trouble that couples face while conceiving.

Causes of low sperm motility

There are many causes of low sperm motility which can vary from person to person, some people may have genetic cause while there are peoples which may have an undiagnostic medical condition, damage to the testicles can also be a major cause, lifestyle and environmental factors play an important role in motility of sperm, for example smoking and drinking has turned out to be the most important affecting factor that decreases sperm motility. Stress can also be a factor that increase the risk of low sperm motility. Low sperm motility can also be due to any disorder in male sex gland secretion, conditions like vericocele also affects the sperm motility this occurs when the winds inside the scrotum becomes enlarged.


Sperm motility can be tested through semen analysis, for this test two semen samples are collected for testing. The samples are then kept at room temperature and delivered to the facility within 30 to 60 minutes, it is often seen that if less than 40% of the sperms are motile, it is considered as a low sperm motility. Along with the sperm motility semen analysis can also be done to test health of male genital tract, proper ejaculation, and accessory glands.


The main treatment includes lifestyle changes which can help to increase sperm motility for some men, lifestyle changes includes- 
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Limit Alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Manage stress
Along with this there are some supplements that helps to improve sperm motility, including healthy dietary habits helps a lot, increasing the vitamin e consumption can help to increase the sperm motility as well as the counts.


Poor sperm motility can lead to male infertility, some of the best alternative ptreatments that are available which helps in conceiving are:-

IVF - In vitro fertilization during this procedure the women is given medications that encourage the production of eggs, which are removed from the ovaries and are fertilized with sperm in the laboratory, as a result of embryo development it is returned back to the worm for development.

IUI - Intrauterine insemination this is also known as artificial insemination In this procedure the sperms are being collected and washed, The fastest moving sperms are then inserted back to the boom using a fine plastic tube for fertilization, development.

Sperm donation - The person who is wanting to conceive can go for sperm donation or maybe able to receive a sperm donation from the donor for using it in an IVF procedure.

If you are looking for the best infertility hospital for ICSI treatment in Indore, then Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best infertility hospitals in Indore. We at Mohak Infertility Center offers world class IVF specialists at very affordable price. 


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Thursday, March 24, 2022

गर्भधारण कैसे होता है ?

प्राकृतिक रूप से गर्भधारण महिला की माहवारी के बाद 10वें दिन से लेकर 14 दिन के बीच ओवरी से अंडाणु निकल कर बाहर आते है और इस दौरान अगर महिला और पुरुष में संबंध बनने के बाद शुकाणु यहां अंडाणु (fallopian tube) से मिलते हैं तब भ्रूण बनता है और यह भ्रूण 5-6 दिनों में गर्भ में पहुंचकर आने वाले महीने या 37 हफ्तों की अपना विकास और प्रगति तय करता है।

अगर किसी भी कारणवश जैसे आंतरिक शारीरिक बनावट(Anatomy). या आंतरिक शारीरिक क्रियाविधि(Physiology) या फिर हारमोंस, वंशानुगत (Genetics) अंडाणु शुक्राणु के मिलने में गतिरोध या अवरोध हो, तब समस्या गहन हो जाती है और तब गर्भधारण एक चुनौती बन जाता है।

ऐसे में IVF या टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी एक उम्मीद की किरण के रूप में सामने आता है जो हमें इस बांझपन या संतानहीनता के अभिशाप से मुक्त कर सकता है।

प्राकृतिक निषेचन को ही नकल (Mimic) किया जाता है इसमें दोनों ही पुरुष व स्त्री की बराबर भागीदारी चाहिए होती है। इसमें महिला की माहवारी के दूसरे या तीसरे दिन से हार्मोनल इंजेक्शन देना शुरू किए जाते हैं जो आने वाले 10 से 12 दिन तक लगातार एक ही समय में लगते हैं। यह अंडाणु की संख्या व गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाने का काम करते हैं और अच्छे अंडों (Oocyte) को विकसित करने में सहायता भी होते हैं जो कि आगे चलकर एक सफल व सुरक्षित गर्भधारण में सहयोगी होता है।

अंडों की संख्या व गुणवत्ता निश्चित होने पर अंडों को निकालने से 36 घंटे पूर्व एक इंजेक्शन एचसीजी (HCG trigger) लगाया जाता है जिससे सारे परिपक्व अंडे ओवरी से बाहर आने पर पूर्ण रूप से विकसित हो जाते हैं उसके बाद हल्की बेहोशी (Anesthesia) में नियत समय में इन सभी अंडों को बाहर निकाला (OPU) जाता है।

जो कि IVF Lab और OT में होता है इसी दौरान पुरुष साथी से स्पर्म को कलेक्ट करके तैयार किया जाता है जिसमें से स्वस्थ व कुशल स्पर्म को IVF या ICSI के उपयोग में लाया जाता है ।जब अंडाणु और शुक्राणु पूरी तरह से तैयार हो जाते हैं तब इन्हें या तो IVF या ICSI करके भ्रूण (Embryo) बनाया जाता है और इस भ्रूण को विकसित करने के लिए समुचित वातावरण और पोषण प्रदान किया जाता है। भ्रूण के विकास 5 से 6 दिनों में परिपक्व भ्रूण के रूप में हो जाने पर उसे महिला के गर्भाशय में स्थानांतरित (ET) कर दिया जाता है जो कि अपने आगे जाकर गर्भ धारण करता है। IVF में अंडों और भूण की संख्या प्राकृतिक रूप से हुए ओवुलेशन से अधिक ही होती है जो कि IVF के सक्सेस रेट को बढ़ाता है और उचित भ्रूण के सलेक्शन में मदद करता है।

IVF सेंटर या टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी सेंटर पूरी तरह गवर्नमेंट और हेल्थ मिनिस्ट्री की ART गाईडलाईन पर कार्य करता है और पूरी तरह से उचित कार्य को करते हैं। IVF सेंटर में भी त्रुटि होने की संभावना नहीं होती क्योंकि उसकी कार्यप्रणाली SOP(standard operating process) पर निर्धारित होती है और वह डॉक्टर और IVF टीम का कार्य पूरी तरह से सुपरवाइज़ होता है। IVF ट्रीटमेंट और सलाह व सुझाव हेतु उपलब्ध हर व्यक्ति की गोपनीयता को विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है इसे कभी भी कोई व्यक्ति या संस्था के साथ कभी भी साझा नहीं किया जाता है।

IVF से बने अतिरिक्त भ्रूण पर आपका पूरा कानूनी अधिकार होता है और आप अपनी स्वेच्छा से इसके उपयोग करने और न करने के लिए स्वतंत्र होते हैं। IVF के इलाज में आपका सहयोग और अनुपालन IVF की जटिलता को 30 से 40% तक कम कर देता है और इसके सफल होने की संभावना को दुगना कर देता है।

IVF का इलाज और दवाईयां औसत दर से थोड़ा महंगा होने का एक कारण यह भी है कि शारीरिक तत्वों को लैब में बनाना उपयोग करना और उसकी गुणवत्ता और कार्यक्षमता को प्रभावित करता है IVF से पैदा हुए बच्चे पूर्णतया स्वस्थ व सामान्य होते हैं इसमें भी सामान्य गर्भावस्था की तरह अल्ट्रासोनोग्राफी की समय-समय पर जांच करवाना होता है IVF में भी डिलीवरी और शिशु जन्म दर सामान्य ही होती है।

Are you looking for a best IVF center in Indore for infertility treatment, Mohak Infertility Center is one of the best infertility hospitals in Indore and provides best infertility treatment at affordable price. Book your appointment now, call 7898047572, 8085-277666 and for more details visit the website -

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To More Post: -  What are the factors by which we can increase the successful rate of IVF?

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

What are the factors by which we can increase the successful rate of IVF?

In vitro fertilization is a complex procedure which involve complicated process involving lot of moving partss, the success factors of IVF is totally dependent on the accuracy and the time of the procedure. Throughout the idea of procedure there are many metabolic and chemical changes in the body which affect the chances of successful round of IVF treatment. 

When it comes to In Vitro Fertilization the data is very crucial for women and the families who are looking for the best chances to conceive a baby. The IVF procedure requires proper management and accuracy which depends upon many factors, there are many ways that can help you to increase your chances of conceiving a healthy pregnancy while undergoing IVF procedure. 

Some of the tips that can help you to increase the success rate of IVF are:-

1) Maintaining a healthy weight- It is very important in fertility and in IVF to maintain a healthy weight. It is very well known that being obese or overweight can increase time of conception by 4 to 5 times respectively and can negatively effect the idea of success rates and can lead to IVF failure. Being all right also makes it difficult for the surgeon to monitor the ovaries during the IVF procedures due to which the chances of complications may increase. 

2) reduce stress- Reports proof that stress level can lead to IVF failure, beasel stress levels can influence natural and assisted contraception rate. Stress is a normal thing which the couples can naturally experience while concieving by IVF, it is very important to manage and reduce stress for the procedure as well as to maintain healthy work life balance, for proper healthy child.

3) Quit smoking - Smoking is a main factor which can drastically decrease the chances of IVF success rates because smoking can affect the egg and the sperm mobility and its quality, quitting smoking on time can increase the idea of success rates for both men and women as it can lead to further damage while conceiving. 

4) Optimize sperm health and quality- It is very important to have a proper look on a healthy body, using multivitamins and maintaining optimal body weight with perfect BMI can improve the sperm quality and mobility. Proper exercises and optimizing self can help to boost the sperm numbers and equality which has a direct beneficial impact on IVF outcome, lack of spa mobility is one of the main factor affecting IVF success rates.

5) Egg and embryo quality - The quality of embryo and egg depend on some of the factors like age stimulation protocol ovarian reserve, the higher the quality of x and embryos will be the chances of success rate of IVF treatment will be more successful. 

6) Lifestyle factors - Leaving a healthy lifestyle managing proper health exercise and diet can help you to facilitate yourself while IVF procedure and can increase the IVF success rate easily. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by regular exercising quitting bad habits like alcohol drugs smoking , Maintain a healthy weight, these are some of the most important factors that helps in increasing success rates of in vitro fertilization. 

7) Getting proper diet- Getting proper diet play and important role in IVF success it is very important to introduce different types of fruits and vegetables into the body to get all the essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a proper healthy amount of diet can directly increase sperms and egg quality for men and women respectively, try including green fresh vegetables into your diet, get protein rich diet for proper muscle synthesis, include legumes such as beans and chickpeas in your diet. Try to avoid packaged foods that are highly rich in preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

Mohak Infertility Center offers affordable IVF cost in Indore, if you are planning IVF treatment with best IVF center in Indore, come to Mohak Infertility Center. Call now us for appointment 78980-47572 and online visit -

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