Saturday, December 3, 2022

How to conceive : All you need to know

Conception is when a sperm from a fertile man travel through vagina ,enter a woman uterus and fertilize an egg in fallopian tube of women is known as conception. That fertilized egg starts multiplying into many cells and travels through fallopian tube towards uterus. These cells attached to uterine lining and develop itself further.

Tips to maximize fertility - most of the couples dream to conceive baby at their early stage of marriage. So to avoid any mishappening between pregnancy they must follow some tips which are listed below -
  • Schedule check-ups - before trying to conceive first of all consult a gynecologist who will guide you to conceive at first time of trying. Also your doctor will check your health to conceive a non troubled pregnancy. If your doctor find something which is unsuitable for your pregnancy he will recommend you some treatment or may delay your pregnancy.
  • Menstrual cycle - menstrual cycle play a major role in women’s life to get pregnant. Before trying sex you must understand your menstrual cycle or periods which will help you to determine when you are more fertile. Figuring out the time of ovulation will help you to conceive easily.
  • Remains in bed after sexual intercourse – after having a good sexual intercourse you and your partner should stay in bed for atleast 15 to 20 minutes it will increase chance of getting pregnant. Avoid washroom after sex, it will help out the sperm to travel to the cervix and stay there for further process.
  • Have healthy life - having healthy lifestyle will automatically increase the chances of getting pregnancy. Consuming healthy and nutrition food and plenty of water will help your body to stay fit.
  • Maintain healthy body weight - for pregnancy it is important to have proper body weight. Body weight will help you womb to lift the weight of your future baby nicely. Women’s with under weight and over weight have difficulties in conceiving pregnancy.
  • Have sex frequently - having intercourse at proper time will enhance your pregnancy. Have sex frequently with your partner, try to have sex before or at the time of ovulation. This will help sperm to reach egg fast. Some women’s don’t wish to have sex daily so they must try sex in gaps of two three days.
How to conceive with PCOS?

PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS in women’s is a hormonal disorder which affect the fertility of a lady. It is not that you can’t conceive with polycystic ovarian syndrome you can but the issue is you may take longer time as compare to a healthy lady. After trying a lot if you are not able to conceive pregnancy then your doctor will recommend you for other fertility options such as IVF invitro fertilization and many more.

How to conceive fast?

Conceiving a normal and healthy pregnancy is a dream of todays generation. To get that you must avoid few things from your daily routine that are –
  • Avoid smoking – tobacco play a negative role in your pregnancy it will depressed your fertility in both male as well as in female .
  • Avoid drinking alcohol – we all know drinking alcohol is dangerous for our body but at the tine when you decide to get pregnant is too harmful for you and your baby.
  • Avoid stressful exercises – while trying to become parents you must avoid exercise which put pressure on your abdomen area, also avoid lifting heavy weight.
  • Limit the caffeine intake – whenever you thinking to get pregnant you must decrease the amount of caffeine form your daily needs it will decrease the formation of sperm, affect sperm mobility and egg formation in male and female respectively.

Conclusions – it is very simple and easy to say that lets have baby. But having baby and planning baby are two different coins. For some couples, pregnancy is a challenge for both of them as well as for their family.

If you are trying to get pregnant over a year and you are unsuccessful in that case you must consult a fertility doctor who will help out to deal with your infertility and suggest you some fertility treatments with high success rate.

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best infertility hospitals in Indore. We provide infertility treatment with world class facilities that is why we are the best center for IVF in India. 
For appointment call now 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and visit online -

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Varicocele – Causes , Symptoms and Treatment.

Varicocele occur in scortum mostly at puberty stage of men’s. It is enlargement of vein in scortum in males is considered to be varicocele. The vein are commonly known as pampinoform plexus.

Varicocele may decrease you sperm formation, quality of sperm and sperm count. It may also lead you towards infertility. It may occur on both side but its rare. Mostly noticed at left side of scortum.

Symptoms of varicocele -

Varicocele is mostly notice at left side without any symptoms and signs but as per studies some of the major symptoms are as follows -

  • Pain – the most commonly seen symptom in varicocele is pain at the area of scortum. You may also feel the pain while standing and lying on bed.
  • Swelling – you may notice swelling in the scortum and also feel heavy mass in the scortum due to enlargement of veins.
  • Infertility - it is the other common noticed symptom of varicocele. The male can feel low sperm count.

  • Size of scortum – if you are diagnosis with varicocele you may seen change in the size of scortum of your body and its normal to see this.
  • Poor Testicular health – at the age of puberty all boys used to have proper growth of hormones, testis but boy with varicocele can inhibit the growth of sexual body parts.
How varicocele develop / Cause of varicocele :-

Each testicle is hold with the cord know by spermatic cord. The spermatic cord contain veins, arteries and nerves with proper blood and oxygen flow. But in the case of varicocele development, sometime the blood and flow of oxygen is not proper in the way which it should be. This improper movement of blood can cause enlargement of vein which slowly turn towards varicocele. Varicocele such as don’t have any risk factor.

Treatment for varicocele –

If you notice the varicocele in mild stage you can only consult your doctor and ask for the medication but if some how you are at the sever stage of varicocele, your doctor may ask your for the surgery which are :-
  • Varicocele embolization – it is a same day surgery used to treat varicocele. In this procedure, your doctor will insert a catheter into the groin and neck vein. After insertion of catheter a coil is placed into the varicocele. The work of thus coil is to block the blood from getting into the veins.
  • Varicocelectomy - it is also one of the same day surgery performed by the doctor in hospital. A urologist go through your abdomen or pelvis and doctor will tie up the abnormal vein. This is done so that the blood can flow within the normal ones.
  • ART ( assisted reproductive technology ) - your doctor may ask you to go with ART treatments for further infertility treatment.
  • ART treatment may include - IVF (invitro fertilization ), IUI and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection ).

If you are want to Best fertility hospital in India for IVF treatment, then come to the Mohak Infertility Center Indore, because Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best IVF centres in India and provides affordable IVF treatment cost in Indore

Book an appointment call now us 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and online visit - 

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To More Post: -  What is Embryo transfer?

Saturday, November 5, 2022

What is Embryo transfer?

Embryo transfer is a process in which embryo are placed in uterus of female body with intent to establish a healthy pregnancy. Embryo transfer is a step or process mostly occur at Assisted reproduction technology  (ART).

An embryo refers to a initial or start stage of development of an multi cellular organisms. Embryonic development is an part of a life cycle which begins just after the fertilization of male sperm with female egg. This development occur in organisms which reproduce sexually or can say sexual reproduction.

How the process work?

The procedure of embryo transfer take place under the observation of best doctors. However the procedure start with the simple process in which speculum is placed in vagina to visualize the cervix. With the process of visualization the cervix is cleaned with saline solution and culture media. In this process several catheter are used which are inserted through cervical canal and then to uterine cavity. By the help of using ultrasound for the perfection, then the doctor will passed the catheter through cervix into womb. From there the embryo are passed through fallopian tube and into the womb.

Generally, the process is pain relief and short but some women may feel discomfort while inserting speculum. After embryo transfer, your doctor will ask you for appointment after 2 or 3 weeks. Doctor will check wheater embryo is implanted and also the process is successful. You may also notice abdomen cramps, vaginal discharge and bloating.

Precautions for embryo transfer :-

  • Never avoid your medicines.
  • Pamper yourself for couple of days.
  • Take follic acid supplements and other supplement as per doctor.
  • Eat healthy diet.
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc.
  • Don’t avoid sever abdomen pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.
  • Have sex with your partner.

Why embryo transfer needed?

Embryo transfer is needed where the natural fertilization have difficult to occur between a couple. The several reason for embryo transfer are as follows –
  • Damage fallopian tube: Fallopian tube is the pathway of embryo to travel to uterus . If fallopian tube is damaged or scared them it is very difficult for fertilize egg to reach safely to the womb.
  • Endrometerosis - Is condition when the tissue from the uterus implant outside and grow outside the uterus.
  • Genetic disorder - Sometime not any disease or disorder but your genetic disorder can affect your pregnancy.
  • Sperm production - Sometimes your pregnancy can be difficult due to low sperm count, sperm mobility and sperm formation.
  • Ovarian failure - Sometime female may suffer from fail of ovary which in future are not able to produce eggs.
Types of embryo transfer :-

Once the fertilization is done there are different types by which embryo transfer can take place :
  • Fresh embryo transfer:- Once the eggs are fertilize they are cultured for about 1- 2 days. After culture the embryo are directly transfer to women’s uterus.
  • Frozen embryo transfer:- Its is the type of embryo transfer in which the healthy embryo which are not used are frozen and stored for further use.
  • Blastocyst embryo transfer :- Some embryo after fertilization, it is wait to see that the embryo develop into the blastocyst.

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best IVF centres in India and provides affordable IVF treatment cost in Indore. If you are unable to conceive, book your appointment now with the highly experienced IVF specialist in indore

Call now 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 For more information, visit -

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To More Post: -  Benefits of Egg freezing

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Benefits of Egg freezing

Egg freezing is one of the best way which can enable women to get pregnant at later stage . In today’s busy world all partners choose to have pregnancy after completion of their satisfactory future. To fulfill both the needs the term egg freezing is commonly used .

Egg freezing is the procedure to preserve woman egg and also commonly known as Human oocyte cryopreservation. This technique allow women to delay pregnancy due to some medical issue of for social reasons. Freezing egg earlier will increases the chances of getting pregnant. Its because of quality and quantity of egg.

Benefits of egg freezing :- Egg freezing is very beneficial for the working couples as well as for women who have their medical issues like cancer, endometrioses, vaginal infection and many more. Some of the benefits are listed bellow -

  • Protect your egg from disease - Some of the medical issue can harm your egg as well as may disturb your menstruation period in this case egg freezing will help you to secure your egg for future use without any complications.

  • Help to reduce fertility anxiety -Many female feel anxiety at starting of marriage life and also with getting pregnancy. To overcome this fertility anxiety females used to preserve their eggs for later pregnancy.

  • Allow you to choose right partner - Some women get marry at the age after getting above 30 which may create issue or problem for them to conceive due to there quality and quantity of egg formation. This mean an unmarried female can also secure her egg by the process of oocyte cryopreservation.

  • Free form pressure : After freezing of egg you are free for pressure which is provided by society to get early pregnancy.

  • Women at risk of early menopause – Some female due to genetic history have risk of having early menopause. Early menopause is a conditions in which a female stops forming eggs in her body mostly menopause happen after age of 50 but early menopause can be seen after 30 or 40. To avoid disappointment in pregnancy due to early menopause, egg freezing is best process to do.

  • High success rate of getting pregnant – The technique of freezing egg will increase your success rate of getting pregnant without considering age factor.
After reading out the benefits of oocyte cryopreservation one should know the factors with impact egg freezing. These are some factors which affect oocyte cryopreservation -

  • Clinic - The very first factor is clinic the success rate of thawing or freezing of eggs depend on the clinic as well as doctor.
  • Age of freezing egg – The pregnancy totally depend on the quality and quality of egg and this depend on age of freezing . Early the egg freezing more the success rate.
  • Number of freezing egg – There is the criteria of egg freezing depends differently for age groups. .
Dr. Shilpa Bhandari is a highly experienced IVF specialist in Indore at Mohak Infertility Center and provides affordable IVF cost in Indore. If you are looking for the Best fertility hospital in India for infertility treatment, then come to the Mohak Infertility Center. 

For Appointment & Enquiry Call us now  78980-47572 / 80852-77666 & Visit Online -

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To More Post: -  What is Ovulation Spotting?

Monday, October 17, 2022

What is Ovulation Spotting?

Ovulation spotting is a bleeding which occur during, before and after the ovulation in females. The most common reason for ovulation spotting is change in hormones level. Not all women are observed with this problem of ovulation spotting.

Ovulation spotting is also commonly known as ovulation bleeding. Reason behind the spotting is increase in progesterone level. After the process of ovulation as females move from increased estrogen level to increasing progesterone level they might notice some bleeding that might be light with pink or red in colour. Pink colour of bleeding is an mixture of red blood with cervical fluid which is quite normal at the time of ovulation in females.

Symptoms of ovulation bleeding :-

Some of the common symptoms and signs noticed in females of ovulation spotting are as follows :-
  1. Cervical fluid which look like an egg white 
  2. Change in firmness of cervix 
  3. Change in basal body temperature 
  4. Pain in abdomen area 
  5. Increased level of progesterone 
  6. Tenderness in breasts 
Difference between periods and spotting :-

Spotting is a light flow which occurs in females. Colour of spotting is mostly pinkish, reddish and brown in colour. Ovulation bleeding doesn’t require a pads or sanitary pads. where as periods always require sanitary pads, menstrual cups and tampons. Periods are heavy flow of blood which average lasts for 5 days. Unexpected bleeding between periods beyond ovulation and implants have their own different reason such as –
  • Endometriosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Bleeding disorders
  • STD sexually transmitted diseases
  • Lssue with birth control pills
  • Vaginal infection
There are some following points in which you must consult your doctor immediately –
  • When ovulation bleeding become much heavier than usual.
  • Having painful periods
  • Symptoms like pelvic pain after or during sex , regular abdomen pain, chest pain etc.
  • Bleeding after your menopause
  • Change in your bleeding pattern and periods 
  • When you have fever or any other infection 
Some terms related to ovulation :-

Anovulation : It is medical term which refer for females who not ovulating.
Oligovulation : It is medical tern which is used for females who have irregular ovulation.

If a female is not ovulating proper however it mean that she is not able to get pregnant. Secondary if a female is getting irregular ovulation than she may be facing problem in conceiving.

Best IVF centre in India - Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best fertility hospitals in India and provides you International Standard Infertility Treatment along with assisted reproductive technologies like IUI, IVF, ICSI ,etc at affordable IVF treatment cost in Indore ,M.P. Come join best centre for IVF treatment in indore in our voyage towards better healthcare facilities for infertile couples and experience the Best Infertility Treatment in Indore

For Appointment & Enquiry Call us now 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 & Visit Online -

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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Ways Infertility Affects Your Relationship and how to cope

Infertility is a situation in which the partner are unable to conceive after trying for a year. This infertility not only affect physically but also emotionally and mentally. It’s an heavy toll on their mental health which may reflect as anxiety, tension, stress and also depression. One of the best thing is that it also bring couples closer to each other emotionally. Let us throw some lights on some impact of infertility on relationships.

  • Fear that your partner will leave you - It is the most common notice impact of infertility in couples. Beside having solution for infertility they choose to leave each other in such situation. Leaving you partner will not provide you the solution of infertility rather than that you both must discuss the situation coming in your mind and proceeded towards a positive relationship with positive thoughts.
  • Disagreements on sharing – Sharing the infertility is a problem in its own but it make easier if your partner is with you. Sharing is struggle with society along with the fertility doctor should be with each other. Expect for single female and male to conceive by the help of donor.
  • Sexual stress while conceiving - Sexual life is a very first victim of a good relationship. But sometime this sexual life create a line between each other and line is not having baby after having a successful sexual relationship.
  • Dissimilarity in opinions - Dealing with infertility issue is it self a roller coaster for couples along with that if the opinion of partner doesn’t matches is another one pressure on heads. After infertility problem the very first discussion in family is to go through fertility treatments with may create dissimilarity in opinions.
How to cope up with all these things 

The very first to do is to have Clear-cut Communication with each other along with family. Share all the thoughts which are coming in your mind and heart. Don’t ever keep the thoughts bottled up this may create distance between you and your partner. Don’t keep your partner unaware with your feelings. Best Communication is one of the best way to keep relationship healthy doesn’t matter how big the problem is. The second step is to Move on with some plan, here some plan means to fertility treatments. Discussion is most important before moving ahead with any plan.

Share you feeling, thoughts in front of your partner and family to proceed further. The third step is Consulting a doctor, consult a doctor which can provide you best suggestions regarding fertility treatments. But before consulting any doctor you must be clear with your mind set to move on happily. Your doctor will suggest you best fertility treatment which is suitable for your body.The one thing to remember is success rate of fertility treatment by the doctor.

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best fertility hospitals in India and provides you affordable IVF treatment cost in Indore. If you are suffering from infertility and looking for the best IVF specialist in Indore, then come to the Mohak Infertility Center. 

For Appointment & Enquiry Call us now  78980-47572 / 80852-77666 & Visit Online -

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To More Post: -  What is Egg freezing?

Saturday, September 24, 2022

What is Egg freezing?

In this busy world today women used to get married in age of 30 after setting up the future with secure carrier. This thing only impact on conceiving baby which may create an issue in their married life. To avoid such problem in married life the only way recommend is Egg freezing or oocyte cryopreservation.

Oocyte cryopreservation is the technique in which your eggs from the ovaries are harvested and are unfertilized frozen and stored for further use. Egg freezing is an better option for today’s women who are not ready to get pregnant at early age.

Why to consider egg freezing?

  • When you wish to preserver younger eggs - The very most common reason for egg preservation is to not getting pregnant at early age. As we all in today busy world not only women but also men’s prefer to have baby when they both are perfectly developed.

  • When you require treatments for other illness - Disease like cancer and other needs proper long treatments so to not deal with any other complications during pregnancy they can use the technique of egg freezing.

  • When you are undergoing invitro fertilization – Although along with IVF some couples prefer for egg freezing and embryo freezing for their ethical issue.

  • When you have some fertility issues – Some females due to irregular menstrual flow, thyroid and other medical issue which may affect their pregnancy in future. To avoid this issue of pregnancy many couple prefer egg freezing.
After knowing why to consider egg freezing let us know how you prepare?

First of all to prepare yourself for egg freezing consult best doctor who will guide you both positive and negative for the treatment. Expertise in this field are know as reproductive endocrinologist. Always consult a clinic which have high success rate along with best knowledgeable doctors.

Before moving with the procedure your doctor will surely go through medical history with focusing on fertility. The doctor will check your menstrual flow, medical history of your family, other disease which may affect your pregnancy. Usually a women ovaries release one egg per month which may decrease the chance of pregnancy. In order to maximising the egg production by ovaries, the women undergo hormone treatment which will stimulate the production of eggs. Treatment with hormone is mostly done one to three times a day. We all know that taking birth control pills will not be beneficial for body but in case of egg freezing many females intake birth control pills for at least one month so that the natural cycle will suppress and it will effective on hormone. For the hormone treatment you doctor may suggest you 3 injection that are as follow –
  1. FSH and LH Follicle stimulating hormone and Luteinizing hormone
  2. HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
  3. GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone
All above three injection will increase the procedure of ovulation and helps in forming mire eggs which further help you for egg freezing procedure. Doctor may ask you for regular blood test to check whether hormone treatment is effective on your body or not.

Procedure for egg freezing - People have curiosity to know how doctor will undergo the process of egg freezing. To solve this question that how egg freezing take place here is some lines which will help you to understand the procedure clearly. The process of egg freezing is preformed in 3 steps these are – 

Ovarian stimulation
Egg retrieval
Egg freezing

Let us through some lights on these three step
  • Ovarian stimulation – This is the very first step in the process of egg freezing this step include that patient will take synthetic hormone to stimulate eggs production. As we had already discussed above that you doctor will ask you for hormone treatment via injections.
  • Egg retrieval - Egg retrieval is the second process before freezing of eggs. The process in preformed in clinic under the expertise. This process include an transvaginal ultrasound, during which an ultrasound probe is inserted into female’s vagina to identify the egg follicles. After this the needle is guided through the vagina to determine the follicles. Along with needle a suction device os connected which help doctor to remove egg form the follicles. Multiple eggs are removed from the follicles to have best result for pregnancy.
  • Egg freezing - Just after the removal of egg from follicles, the eggs are stored at cool temperature for their further use. The process of storing egg at cool temperature for further use is called to be egg freezing process.
After the procedure –

Some females may feel various symptoms after the process of egg freezing which is quite normal in every case . The symptoms you may feel are –
  • High Fever
  • Cramps in stomach
  • Severe pain in abdomen area
  • Weight gain
  • Urination problem
  • Heavy blood flow
Book an appointment with the Best IVF centre in India,  Call now us 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and online visit -

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Why do you need Fertility treatments?

Fertility treatments is used to increase your rate to conceive a baby in your life by having different laboratory methods. As we all know that due to a big change in life style of human beings, the body of both male and female decrease the natural processing. This change in life style causes infertility.

Secondly at present era both males and females are aware to have a secure future and that’s why the marriage are held to be late after age of 30. As per the science the age between 20 to 30 is the best for getting married and to conceive a baby. The logic behind getting marriage in age of 21 – 30 is that the female’s are born with the limited number of eggs in her ovaries and as result of menstrual cycle these eggs recruiting every month. At the age increase which mean at the age of 30 – 35 the quality and quantity of eggs both decrease by the time which in future results in form of infertility. To cure this issue of infertility we require fertility treatments such as In vitro fertilisation, Intra Uterine insemination and many more.

For a partner to conceive a good news both male and female partner are equally responsible for this. But as per studies the case of infertility is recognise in male partners. The reason behind their infertility are consumption of drugs, unwanted pills, smoking, alcohol, tobacco, genetic condition, medical issue and junk food. In a simple language we can say todays unhealthy lifestyle is causing high ratio of infertility. To diagnose this infertility in male’s and as well as in female’s the formation of semen and eggs must match the ratio according to WHO criteria.

Doctors will recommend semen analysis, count of sperm, quality and quantity of sperm formation in males but in case of female’s the things notice is formation of eggs, maturation of ovaries, menstrual flow. After telling out your records with WHO record your doctor will recommend you for fertility treatments. Fertility treatments are now a days performed in mostly each and every home to conceive a baby.

At the very first time doctors mostly recommend to change lifestyle and also some medication to increase ovulation and sperm formation. If conceiving is not possible with this normal treatments than you may proceed towards IVF in vitro fertilisation. IVF is most performed laboratory treatments. Other than this there are treatments like ICSI intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, IUI intra uterine insemination. These are the most common used fertility treatments with high success rates.

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the best fertility hospitals in India and offers affordable IVF cost in Indore. If you are looking for the best IVF centre in India, come to Mohak Infertility Center in Indore. 

Book an Appointment Call us today at 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and visit online at for more details.

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To More Post: -  3 Tips to manage stress during Infertility Treatment

Thursday, September 8, 2022

3 Tips to manage stress during Infertility Treatment

Infertility mainly define as not getting pregnant or conceive after trying one year of unprotected sex. The main symptoms of infertility is inability to conceive. Other than that a women may have absence of menstrual flow and irregular menstrual flow. Now a days increased technology had the solution of conceiving by various infertility treatments such as Invitro fertilization (IVF), Intra uterine insemination (IUI) and many more. However these process have solution for your infertility but also some how create a stress level in your mind. To get rid of this so called stress during infertility treatments these are some of the tips by which you cam manage your stress. Here are some commonly caused reason of stress. 

Continue visit to clinics :-  Infertility treatments and clinics have a good relationship with each other. So before getting into this you must prepare yourself to provide a proper time to clinics. Some time only female and some time both the partners are responsible to give time to clinics. Try to make proper appointment and communication between you and your doctor. Try to  go for digital working process. 

Infertility treatments package :- Although it is easy to go with infertility treatments with a good success rate but the main problem is the package. The cost of these treatments such as IUI, IVF etc are not so affordable for a normal family. Mostly the treatments will cost you in between 1 Lac to 2 Lac which is a high cost for a middle class family. So before starting with the treatment make sure to rotate an eye on IVF cost with your doctor. 

Success rate of IVF treatment :- Having to much of hope can create stress and depression for you. To not getting into the stress be practical with the success rate of IVF treatment. Make sure you decide to choose best gynaecologist with high success rate. Before entering into the procedure make sure to discuss earlier performed treatments by the doctor. Always be brave and strong to go with the procedure but also have capacity to accept the failure. 

Side effects of the treatments :-  Mostly women have fear of taking medicine and injection due to their side effects. But as per the treatment the medicine, drugs and injection provided to your body is only to increase the process of ovulation which will automatically increases the success rate of your pregnancy. Mostly the treatment is given with no side effects but if you notice any changes after the medication than communicate with your gynaecologist for sure. 

Some of the women’s are afraid of anesthesia which is given when the process of egg retrieval take place. Egg retrieval is process also known as ovum pickup of 10 -15 minutes procedure. 

Trust on doctors :- Going with any of the treatment related to your body than the first main step is to have trust and faith on your doctor. Loosing faith will destroy your journey of getting pregnancy. You must give a handshake of trust and faith towards your gynaecologist. 

How to control or manage your stress level ? 

Knowledge is important -  Make sure that before getting into the infertility treatment you must have an eye on internet about the procedure with proper steps. Having knowledge will always help you to  create best for yourself. After getting knowledge from different social media platform  discuss it with you doctors and correct yourself. You may also contact your known which are undergone or undergoing with the procedure. Clear all the doubt with your doctor.

Find a best supporter – Having a backbone will always increase your strength to do work same is with this procedure. Having a supporter with a positive thoughts will generate a positive life style. Having a positive life style during the time of infertility treatment will increase the hope and faith level in your mind as well as in your heart. You may have negative thoughts regarding the process but skip the negative thoughts and just focus on best version. 

Keep yourself busy -  Whenever you decide to go with the IVF treatment make yourself busy in any work. Once the procedure is performed don’t allow your body to feel as if she is ill . Make sure to  encourage your body with any work. You can also ask your doctor to suggest you some activities. Not keeping your mind busy will create nonsense talks in your mind such as decrease rate of treatment, fear regarding pregnancy journey and many more. 

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best IVF centres in India and provides IVF treatment cost in Indore. Call now us 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and online visit for more information.

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To More Post: -  Failed IVF treatment ? Know what your next step can be.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Failed IVF treatment ? Know what your next step can be.

IVF commonly know as invitro fertilization , it is treatment used by partner to conceive pregnancy. As we all know that a coin have head as well as tail so as with treatment . The treatment also have success as well as failure . Not conceiving normally is also a trouble for the partner beside that if IVF also fail is like a roller coaster ride on hearts of the couple .

Invitro fertilization at this time had high success rates as compare to failure . But in some cases it might failure due to various reason such as health of partners egg , sperm , lifestyle , diets and many other commonly known reasons . Some of the major noticed reason for the failure of IVF are given bellow :-

  • Ovarian health – One of the common issue in fertility treatments. Eggs or oocytes of a women are not able to survive at the specific situation. The ovarian health may be affected due to age factor. This is so as per studies the age after 30 the eggs decline with their quantity and quality which in result give failure result regarding fertility treatments.
  • Failure of implantation of embryo – Sometimes in some women embryo implantation takes problem. The reason behind this is the endometrium lining, uterus environment is not suitable,scar tissue, infection in uterus and many unexplained uterus issues. The most common issue noticed for the failure of implantation of embryo is uterus environment which is not able to suit for embryo.

  • Fertilization problem - Most of the couples for this treatment are of age 30 or above this. All the other fertility treatment procedure go well but the fertilization create an issue due to lack of quality and quantity of sperm and eggs. The golden age of conceiving id above 30 in which the quantity and quality of sperms and eggs are too good.
Other issues for failure of IVF are as follows –

  • Thyroid problem
  • Infection in uterus
  • Irregular menstrual flow
  • Hormones imbalance
  • Life style of a couple
  • Genetical problem
These are some of the reason for which most of the time IVF treatment gets failure. But if we take care of the basis things in our mind then the criteria of fail IVF will decrease naturally. There are some of the talks you should discuss with your doctor after failed invitro fertilization –

1. Should you proceed for 2nd time for fertility treatments.
2. Success rate of treatment at 2nd time of procedure.
3. Potential risks associated.
4. What’s wrong at first time.
5. Other tests and treatment to increase fertility treatment at second time.

Finance that you have to pay for the treatment. Cost of IVF may differ from the cost of first IVF. It is so because now the doctor are aware of the reason behind your failed fertility treatments and also you may go through the treatments to treat the problem for failure of invitro fertilization.

Conclusion :-
For a couple along with their families it is not a normal deal to cope up with failed IVF. A big rock on heart and mind is always there before, during and after fertility treatments but we have to deal with it. Many factors are responsible for failed IVF so to not go through with this situation you must get a counselor or a proper discussion with your doctor. Talk freely to you doctor about every little things such as costs, time period, success rate and many more.

Mohak Infertility Center provides affordable IVF cost in Indore, If you are planning for ivf tratment then book your a appointment now  with the Best fertility hospital in India

Call now us 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and online visit for more information.

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Not able to conceive after marriage ? Different infertility procedure

Infertility is a type of disease related to reproductive system of male and female which is describe by the failure  to achieve pregnancy after having a regular unprotected sexual intercourse. 

Types of infertility :- 

  • Primary infertility - Primary infertility is type of infertility where a female never conceived child in her past life and has difficulty in conceiving.

  • Secondary infertility - Secondary infertility is where a female had one pregnancy in past but having difficulty to conceive in future. 
Causes of infertility :- 

there are many symptoms and causes of infertility in both male and females . In today’s world of technology every female and every male with any cause of infertility can be fertile by the help of various treatments . Some of the causes of infertility are given mentioned below -: 

Causes of infertility in females - 

  1. Age (age over 40 -45 ) 
  2. Having irregular periods or menstrual cycle 
  3. Diagnosis with endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory diseases 
  4. Had multiple miscarriage 
  5. Undergone treatment for cancer
Causes of infertility in males –
  1. Low sperm count
  2. Having history of testicular problem and sexual problems
  3. Undergone treatment for cancer 
  4. Sperm motality or movement of sperm 
  5. Swelling in scortum 
Infertility is not a physical disease which can be diagnosed by vision process. There are several infertility test for both male and females to diagnose infertility. This is not mentioned in any book that only female is responsible for infertility the percentage of infertility in today’s world is equal in both the partners which mean that males  are also diagnosed by infertility. To check the infertility your doctor will ask you for several test.

For females test are – 
  • Ovarian reserve testing – This test helps to determine the quantity of the eggs available for ovulation. 
  • Hormonal test - There are some hormone in body responsible for the formation of eggs. Hormone such as pituitary hormones and ovulatory hormone are checked under this process. 
  • Ovulation test – A type of blood test which determine the hormone level whether you are ovulating. 
  • Pelvic ultrasound – Ultrasound looks for ovarian and uterine diseases.
For males test are – 
  • Semen analysis –Your doctor will ask you for semen and urine for testing. 
  • Hormone testing –  A blood test for testing hormone which determine the level of testosterone and other male hormones. 
  • Genetic tests -  Some genetical test are performed to check wheater the infertility is genetic or not. 
  • Other special test – This test involve the sperm quality , sperm mobility , sperm count and many more. 
Treatment for infertility :- both men and women have different style of treatment to cure infertility. All the treatment are based on the symptoms and causes of the infertility. Some of them are cured by the process of medication while some require a proper surgical treatments. The following treatment are provided under the supervision of your doctor. 
  • Medication -  It is the very most common treatment given by the doctors to treat infertility. Certain medication may improve a men sperm count, quality and quantity. 
  • Changinglifestyle - Having good eating habits will pay you better result and help you and your partner to conceive. 
  • Surgical method – There are two most common surgical method used by the doctor to help in conceiving child for you and your partner. The methods come under ART assisted reproductive technology which include: 
1. IUI (intrauterine insemination ) - It is the process which include inserting of sperm into females womb via a thin plastic tube through cervix.  In this process only those sperm are inserted whichare fully healthy in nature i.e..  fast moving sperm. 

2. IVF (invitro fertilisation ) – In this process eggs are removed outside from ovaries  and fertilized them with sperm  in the laboratory. A fertilized embryo then put back to mothers womb for the future growth of baby. 

3. Egg and sperm donation  - If a male or female have infertility issue than you may receive a healthy  egg or sperm  to conceive. The treatment with donor eggs is done under the process of IVF. 

4. Fallopian tube surgery - Some female have a proper ovulation but the tissue of fallopian tube are not letting them to conceive  in this problem your doctor will suggest you for fallopian tube surgery  in this surgery the damage or blocked fallopian tube is repaired. 

Precautions :
  • Pamper your self for the couple of days so that you can be comfortable with the surgery.
  • Keep taking your medication on time.
  • Eat a healthy diet. 
  • Stop consuming alcohol, smoke and drugs. 
  • Avoid tensions for some time.
  • Don’t avoid abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms like this. 

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best fertility hospitals in India and provides affordable IVF treatment in Indore. If you are searching for the Best infertility hospital in Indore for infertility treatment, come to Mohak Infertility Center. 

BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW CALL US TODAY 78980-47572 / 80852-77666 and online visit -

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Thursday, May 19, 2022

What precautions we have to take care after IUI treatment?

What IUI meant for ?

During natural conception the sperm used to travel from vagina though cervix to the uterus and up to the fallopian tube but in the process of intrauterine insemination the sperm is washed and concentrated to insert them directly near the fallopian tube to increase the chance of conceiving. Other than this, IUI stands for intrauterine insemination. IUI or intrauterine insemination is an type of artificial insemination which is the procedure to treat infertility. The outcome for intrauterine insemination is form sperm to swim into the fallopian tube and fertilized the female egg and result it into a positive pregnancy.

IUI mostly used in the situation of having following problems –

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Problem in cervix and with cervical mucus
  • Low sperm count
  • Less sperm motality
  • Endometriosis (mild)
  • Conceive baby with same sex
  • Problem in ejaculation
Sometimes some females are not likely to have intrauterine insemination due to some issue which can be

  • Disease related to fallopian tube
  • Blocked fallopian tube
  • Removed both of the fallopian tube
  • Men who don’t produce sperm
  • Having chronic endometriosis
But having such problem can also increase the chance of conceiving by the process called IVF in vitro fertilisation.

How to proceed ?

Before the treatment of intrauterine insemination you must take major two steps that are –
  • Visit a fertility expert - Visiting fertility expert will create a good hope in your mind to conceive with the process of insemination. A good fertility expert will guide you if's and but's also with the positive points about the treatment.
  • Research before choosing a doctor – Going with the procedure is a good thing but with a good doctor is best. You must consult or ask your near by who have been gone through this treatment. And you may ask to your fertility expert to guide you with the best knowledgeable doctor .. Choosing a best doctor will help you in avoiding infections , low success rate and many more negative aspects .
During the procedure of intrauterine insemination you should follow these steps –
  • Trust you doctor
  • Have patience
  • Be clam while insemination process
  • Never get panic
  • Avoid stress before and after the process
After the first initial visit with your doctor you will be getting knowledge about IUI procedure form your doctor. Although intrauterine insemination is a safe and easy process of conceiving baby in you life but along with safer side you must know about the precautions about IUI. Below are some of the tips you must take –

1. Eat healthy -
Having a proper time to time diet will increase the chance of IUI treatment. Your doctor will advice you to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in your lifestyle. This diet must include fruits, green leafy vegetables, fresh juices etc.

2. Do exercise - Although doing workouts and exercise is beneficial in you life and you must continue this after intrauterine insemination but the one thing you must do is to consult your doctor and ask for your exercise routine.

3. Get in touch with fertility expert and your doctor - Stay in touch with fertility expert along with your doctor will help you to conceive faster and in easier way. Fertility expert after IUI treatment will guide you to have sex at which time and this will definitely increase the success rate of the treatment.

4. Get a positive vibe - You must always have a positive vibe and thought in you life but after any of the artificial treatment regarding conceiving you must stay happy and positive. This living happy and positive life will create a good sign for your happy hormone to work more easier and faster.

Some of the thing you must throw out of your life :-

5. Avoid smoking and drinking -  After intrauterine insemination one must fully stop taking smoke and alcohol from your life. This will not only harm to women health but also create abnormalities in your child.

6. Avoid stress from your life - Taking stress will decrease the conceiving rate. It is so because stress will not allow your happy hormone to dominate and work with your body. Stress will allways depress your fertility hormone.

7. Avoid taking other medication – Taking painkiller, sleeping pills and other type of medication will create a hard layer for you to conceive. After IUI you must have medication which is directed by your doctor or fertility expert.

If you are suffering from infertility and looking for best IVF center in Indore, Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best fertility hospitals in India and offers world class IVF specialist for infertility treatment in Indore at affordable cost. 

Book an appointment immediately call us on 7898047572, 8085-277666 or visit our website -

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Not able to conceive – How to proceed ?

Pregnancy is the time during which one or more than one offspring develops into the women’s womb. Most of the women conceive in their first try but few of them are not able to conceive at their first time.

If you are not able to conceive it is important to maintain your body shape which can be done by the help of moderate meditation, exercise, regular yoga or workout. This all things will help your body to get proper shape which will help you in getting easy labor pain, energy and stamina to carry a baby.

How often to have sexual intercourse ?

If you and your partner want a baby in your life than you must try your intercourse every two or three days. While having sexual intercourse you must be stress free which will enhance your sex drive hormone and will help you to have successful sex.

What to avoid ?

These are some points which should avoid by you and your partner :- 
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
  • Unwanted pills and medication
  • Multiple sex partner
What to do ?

If a female is not able to conceive that doesn’t mean that only female is having issue regarding egg formation. Both male and female can be responsible for not having baby. The common following points can make your body better to conceive. The points include :-
  • Healthy diet
  • Exercise
  • Proper fluids intake
  • Time to time menstrual cycle
These are some own maintained treatment done by you which will help you and your partner to get pregnant.

Other than this, there are some medical treatment by which you can conceive a healthy baby in your life. Although it not necessary to get fertility treatment to one partner. Sometimes it may provided to both the partner to conceive baby. The fertility treatments often include medicine which will help you to maintain ovulation, egg formation, sperm formation, sperm mobility etc.. Along with medication you may also require fertility surgery such as – IVF and IUI.

IUI ( intrauterine insemination ) :-  The process of IUI is done mostly when you are ovulating. In this intrauterine insemination, the sperm is collected and inserted directly into the uterus of female body.

IVF ( in vitro fertilisation ) :- In the procedure in which eggs are taken out from your ovaries and fertilized them in a laboratory with sperm. After sometime we egg and sperm become an embryo than the embryo put's back to your uterus. This is how the process of in vitro fertilisation take place outside the body.

ICSI ( Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ) :- this procedure is used when male partner have low sperm count or bad movements of sperm. A healthy single sperm is injected into the mature female’s egg.

Condition affecting infertility :-

There are some of the medical condition which may affecting your infertility :-

Obstruction in fallopian tube :- Blocked fallopian tube will restricted the sperm interactions with eggs and this will in future come in negative result of pregnancy.

Uterine shape :- Uterine shape play a role in getting you pregnant. A female must have proper uterine shape so that your egg and partner’s sperm get fertilise and get attach to uterine wall.

Male infertility factor :- More than 20 % male sperm are responsible for not conceiving baby. Male factor is responsible in such a way that low sperm count, abnormal sperm shape, sperm mobility or movement.

Female infertility factor :- The most common process of getting pregnancy is ovulation. In female having proper menstrual flow will increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Precautions while conceiving baby :-
  • Make a plan and routine of your lifestyle.
  • Maintain weight according to your pregnancy condition.
  • Include healthy diet in your life.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol and consuming drugs.
  • Visit your doctor or gynaecologist time to time.
  • Avoid taking stress, tension, depression etc.
  • Maintain medication provided by your doctor
  • Avoid taking pain killers and other medicine.
  • Avoid lifting heavy weights.
  • Do mild exercise and workouts.

Mohak Infertility Center is a renowned IVF center in Indore, India and provides world class IVF specialists in Indore. If you are suffering from Infertility and looking for best Infertility Hospital in Indore, come to Mohak Infertility Center. 

Book an appointment immediately call us on 7898047572, 8085-277666 or visit our website -

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Sunday, May 8, 2022

What are fibroids symptoms & causes?

Uterine fibroids are basically non-cancerous tumor or growth of the the uterus duck occurs most often during the childbearing years of the lady. You drink fibroids are benign in nature and generally affects smooth muscle cells of the uterus. You clean fibroids are nowadays one of the most common problem that most of the female faces. Well the exact cause of fibroids is it still unknown but there are substantial evidences that proves estrogen and progesterone proliferate the development of the tumor. Well there are no increased risk associated to uterine cancer in cases of fibroids and even it almost never develop into cancer. Fibroids are the small size growth that can enlarged along with the time. These might develop into single or multiple forms even in extreme cases it can develop and multiply which lead to expandation of the uterus. The most common age in which fibroids generally occur is between 30 to 40 year old women's.


There are not more any serious symptoms of fibroids The symptoms generally occur depends upon the location the size and the number of fibroids and there severity is then determine after noticing the most common symptoms, some of the most common symptoms that can be seen during  development of fibroids are:-

  • Pressure on the pelvic region and glutes
  • Frequent urination
  • Experincing pain during sexual intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Improper menstrual cycles that last more than a week or longer 
  • Discomfort in rectum while sitting
  • Heavy bleeding that can cause blood loss (menstrual bleeding)
  • Back ache or pain in legs
  • Pain in abdomen and lower back region
  • The acute pain is rarely common symptoms that occurs when the fibroids out grows its blood supply
  • Massive or continuous heavy periods
  • Oozing blood between periods
  • Pelvic discomfort and stress
  • Periodic urination that lasts longer
If you experience any condition like-

  • Extreme pelvic pain that doesn't go away
  • Chronic pelvic pain especially during toileting
  • uncontrolled urine flow or inability to control the urine
  • Painful prolonged or overly heavy periods
  • Excessive bleeding between the periods
  • Any lump or mass in the abdomen
  • In any type of conditions like this always  consult a doctor and seek medical care because it may lead to severe vaginal bleeding and excessive loss of blood from the body.
Causes of fibroids:-

The accurate causes of fibroids are still unknown because it is an unpredictable condition that gets severe over time if left untreated, some of the most common causes of fibroids include - 
  • Genetic changes - Genetics play an important role when it comes to conditions like this certain changes in genes, that is usually different from the normal uterine muscle cells which can cause fibroids.
  • Hormones - The two main hormones Easton and progesterone are responsible to stimulate development of the lining of uterine during the menstrual cycles, if there is any overgrowth or hormonal imbalance in the body that can be a common cause of fibroids.
  • Past History - Any past family history can be responsible for cause of fibroids in the next generation it can carry over to sister from the mother or to the daughter from the grandmother.
In cases of fibroids special care is very important as there are some of the dangerous side effects which could be seen if the fibroids are lead untreated, at late stages fibroids can cause Anemia and can also lead to infertility and complications in perceiving the baby.

If you are looking for the Best IVF centre in India for infertility treatment? Mohak Infertility Center is one of the best fertility hospital and IVF centers in Indore, India. 

Book an appointment immediately call us on 7898047572, 8085-277666 or visit our website -

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To More Post: -  What is hysteroscopy?

Saturday, April 30, 2022

What is hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is the method used for diagnoses and to treat the abnormal bleeding in your body. The whole procedure is done by the help of an instrument known as hysteroscope. By the help of this hysteroscope your doctor us able to see inside of the uterus.

Hysteroscope is a thin, light weight tube which is inserted in the vagina to examine the cervix and the uterus. Hysteroscopy is also used to diagnosed other test related to the uterus and fallopian tube. It is used to check report of HSG which is commonly known as hysteroslapingography. HSG is an X- ray test which is used to diagnosed uterus and fallopian tube. Hysteroscopy can also be used to diagnose the other procedure such as laparoscopy.

The other term related to hysteroscopy is Operative Hysteroscopy. The term operative hysteroscopy is used when the problem of abnormal bleeding is cured.

The problems detected by the hysteroscope is treated than it said to be operative hysteroscopy. It is mainly used to avoid second surgery to treat your abnormal bleeding. During this operative hysteroscopy various instrument are used along with the hysteroscope.

Best time for Hysteroscopy is the week after your menstrual flow. This is the week in which your doctor can identify proper condition of your uterus. It can also detect the issue related to your menstrual cycle.

How hysteroscopy performed?

Before performing hysteroscopy your doctor will prepare you for anesthesia and ask you to be relax and clam. After anesthesia, the following procedure under the eye of doctors take place. Firstly your doctor will widen your cervix area to inserted the instrument called hysteroscope. Once the hysteroscope is inserted through your vagina and cervix the carbon dioxide gas or a liquid solution is then inserted to uterus to clear away the mucus and clean the blood from the area. After cleaning the uterus area your doctor will detect or observe uterus by the help of hysteroscope with light shone. The doctor will examine the full uterus and fallopian tube after that they will decide if surgery needed or not.

Risk while hysteroscopy :-

As we know all the medical procedure have some complication same happen with hysteroscopy. The problem you and your doctor faced are as bellow :-
  • Infection
  • Tearing and damage to you cervix. Although this is rare.
  • Problem while injecting liquid to uterus.
  • Damage near by organs
  • Cuts on cervix skin.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases
Problems after the procedure :-
  • Fever
  • Pain in cervix area
  • Bleeding from vagina
  • Abdomen pain
Precautions after having hysteroscopy :-
  • You may suffer from bit of pain and mild cramps
  • Have gas formation for at least 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Maintain the medicine of your doctor only
  • Avoid sex for few weeks
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol and smoke.
  • Do exercise (on doctor’s recommended ).
These are the following point you must remember. If you feel unfavorable pain, itching, bleeding and other abnormal symptoms you should definitely contact your doctor.

Mohak Infertility Center is one of the Best IVF centres in India and provides IVF treatment in Indore at very low cost. If you want to get infertility treatment in Indore by experienced IVF specialists then contact Mohak Infertility Center now. 
Book your appointment immediately call us on 7898047572, 8085-277666 or visit our website -

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