Sexually transmitted disease or Sexually transmitted infection (STI) can lead to infertility. Fertility, reproduction and sexual activity all these words are all linked to the reproductive system of humans. These diseases (STD & STI) and conditions of infertility are very closely linked as the organ involved in both cases are common. Having safe sex is of utmost importance not only to fertility but also to the general health of a person, male or female. It is even more important as these conditions of STD & STI could sometimes prove fatal. It is very important to have safe sex for aspiring parents as STD & STI could surely be a cause of infertility.
It would be very enlightening to know about the various STD that is most commonly known to cause infertility. Males and females both can be infected by STD and have equal chances of being infertile due to STD. Microorganisms and bacteria that cause STD may affect the quality and quantity of the sperm of a male while the same may cause a reduction of sperm mobility in females due to settlement of bacteria in the mucus produced by the cervix.
Some STDs may have a higher impact on fertility and could cause a higher rate of infertility. We will be looking into some Diseases that have a higher impact on fertility.
- Chlamydia caused by bacteria called Chlamydia Trachomatis is a common STD prevalent in the womenfolk. This disease shows symptoms of painful urination but could also be asymptomatic. It could affect the genitals, urinary tract and eyes and could cause conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy. It is of utmost importance to get this disease treated or most advisably prevented. Moreover, the disease could pose a high risk to infants born with infected mothers. Repetitive infections are common in Chlamydia.
- Gonorrhea can cause serious complications in fertility like inflammation of the uterus which will lead to infertility. This infection could also be passed to the child if the mother was pregnant with Gonorrhea. Premature labor and premature delivery with a high risk of permanent blindness in the newborn have been attributed to patients in pregnancy with Gonorrhea.
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is an infection that can cause extensive lesions and can also affect the production of cervical mucus. These conditions lead to infertility problems. There are HPV that can cause cancer too.
- HIV or AIDS can cause an increased risk of cervical abnormalities or early menopause in females while in men it has known to cause orchitis (inflammation of the testes), hypogonadism (decrease in the production of hormones), oligospermia or azoospermia (decreased or absence of sperm in semen).
- Trichomoniasis the most treatable STI caused by the Trichomonas Vaginalis parasite living found in the lower genital tract. These highly problematic conditions as safe sex methods like the use of condoms do not ensure protection as they can infect areas not covered by a condom. This may highly lead to STIs like HIV and risk of premature babies and low birth weight.
- Syphilis is in the form of ulcers called chancres on the genitals. Untreated syphilis could cause serious and permanent brain damage, blindness, infertility or paralysis. This disease can be passed on to an infant by an infected mother and the more serious implications are stillbirth, neonatal death, birth defect, premature birth and low birth weight.
Some of the above conditions could te prevented and some can be treated if we ensure safe sexual practices and early detection of the condition.
This also has a very high impact on your fertility so should be taken care of urgently and at Mohak infertility center the top fertility clinic in Indore all these and more are taken care of to ensure a perfect pregnancy for all the aspirant parents.
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